arci grew up in a nomadic Air Force family, inspiring her interest in culture and travel. But her passion for history sparked while living in Yorktown, Virginia, where locals still tell Revolutionary War tales.
Her friends found it odd when she was the only one who didn’t complain on field-trips to Jamestown colony, and collecting headstone rubbings wasn’t exactly considered a cool hobby. She’ll never admit to hopping the wall at the Colonial Williamsburg Governor’s Mansion after dark just to explore the moonlit gardens, but she did spend days roaming battlefields and visiting forgotten plantation homes.
Moving from place to place through the years, she kept a love of writing and scores of short stories to herself, eventually setting them aside to pursue the more “practical” path of becoming a Registered Nurse.
Marci survived learning drip-calculations and care-planning, graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University, then applied her writing skills to hospital documentation. Soon she immersed herself in a Quality Assurance nursing career and wrote dry Policy and Procedure manuals. Years and a few children later, she decided such writing lacked the sweeping adventure she longed for.
Marci now writes about remarkable women in history who dared to defy powerful men. She resides in the Midwest with her husband and two children in a house full of books and toys.
For inquiries about rights contact Marci’s literary agent:
Kevan Lyon at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Phone: 858-492-8009